A review of the National Audit Office's communication and publishing was carried out by David Boxall.

The detailed review considered the in-house production of reports for Parliament, the staff and suppliers involved, the process and software. It concluded that the timescale for publishing reports could be shortened significantly, their layouts automated with bespoke software and costs reduced. The NAO were delighted with the review and asked David and his team to implement its recommendations. New guidelines and procedures were established, software introduced and staff trained. This saved significant time and cost.

David has led the 301 team in hundreds of business communication, marketing and brand audits. On each occasion, brands and businesses have increased the effectiveness of their communications and delivered real return on investment.

Reporting to Parliament

The National Audit Office sought to improve its communications, including the in-house production of its most important reports to Parliament.

A detailed review

David Boxall was appointed by the NAO to review its communications and publishing and to provide a detailed report and recommendations.

Effective implementation

The recommendations were implemented and increased the efficiency and effectiveness of brand communications and publishing.

Contact 301 to discuss an audit of your brand communications.

Call 020 7060 6301 or email us.

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