Setting new standards

We have 15 years of experience of creating medical device training for Johnson & Johnson companies.

Digital technology and techniques have enabled us to set new standards, including the use of 3D animations of anatomical models. We welcome the new opportunities that VR creates.

3D Modelling

The use of 3D animations of anatomical models for medical device training.

Why use VR training?

A well developed Virtual Reality training platform can be more engaging and more effective than traditional methods.


Upskill or reskill employees quickly and efficiently

Knowledge retention

Increase employee knowledge retention


Cost-effective simulation of any training scenario


Improve employee engagement and retention

Reduce costs

Reduce training costs and travel requirements


Data-driven insights

Effective and engaging content

Immerse has developed a powerful VR platform for use on multiple devices, and works closely with clients to create the most effective training content for optimum results.

Let's talk

We welcome the opportunity to continue our discussion about VR and your orthopaedic training needs.

David at 301  and Lee at Immerse

Email DavidVisit Immerse